Legacy is happy to be celebrating Columbus day this year. Here are some fun facts about how this day became recognized as an official holiday.
On August 2, 2018, Jose J. Perez and Legacy Insurance & Investment Group hosted the GREAT Program's 2018-2019 Principals Luncheon at Lalo's Mexican Restaurant. This luncheon was held to show appreciation to the Principals implementing the program at their respective Chicago Public Elementary Schools. Mr. Perez and the Principals participating in the program collaborated on new and innovative ideas. Together they hope to make the GREAT Program a huge success for the students this 2018-2019 school year. Everyone is excited for the program to begin this Fall. A big thank you to Dr. Olimpia Bahena, Ms. Carmen Navarro, Ms. Nelly Robles and Dr. Antonio Acevedo!
Now is the perfect time to start planning for your back to school budgets. Back to school shopping can begin to get pricey without proper preparation and planning. This article found on money crashers can help give some ideas on planning out the proper budget and also help cut down on the cost of school supplies.
In honor of National Parent's day, we would like to thank all of the parents for all the work that goes into raising a child. In today's changing world it takes a lot of energy, patience and time to raise a child going into the adult life. This article gives insight on some of the fun things you can do during this years National Parents Day! As always enjoy and stay safe this weekend.
Jose is proud to award a scholarship to Ken Cellar and Cynthia Juarez Bautista at the NHAE (Network of Hispanic Administrators in Education) gala on May 18, 2018.
As another school year comes to an end so does another successful GREAT Program. Legacy held a pizza party with all of the students who attended the program. We also awarded the 8th grade students with Academic Scholarships.
Many thanks to Ms. Carmen Navarro, Principal of Azuela Elementary School, for helping Mr. Jose J. Perez, President of Legacy Insurance & Investment Group, LLC, in establishing the GREAT Program 2 1/2 years ago. Jose J. Perez and the Legacy staff members celebrated the last GREAT Program meeting of the year with a Pizza Party for all the participants. On June 18, 2018, we attended Azuela's 8th grade Graduation Ceremony were Jose J. Perez awarded the top outstanding 8th graders in the program with academic scholarships.
We had such a great time working with the kids of Whittier Elementary School. The year comes to an end, and what better way to celebrate then a pizza party! Congratulations to this year’s 8th grade graduates! We wish you nothing but the best and hope you never stop dreaming!